Friday, November 15, 2013

How families best cope with stress

     Stressful events occur all of the time in families.  Sometimes, the stressful events that occur are so difficult that they can be labeled a crisis.  A crisis is when something drastic happens that forces the family to change its structure and way it functions in order to cope with the problem.  Some families deal with crisis better than others.  The families that cope with stress the best are the ones that turn to and rely on one another for support.

     While there are several ways in which families can learn to rely on one another for support during a crisis, I will only mention two.  The first way in which families can support one another can be through performing various labors for one another and picking up any slack another leaves off.  An example can be found after the birth of a new child.  When a new baby is born, parents are excited and nervous at the same time.  Sometimes, especially right after childbirth, the mother is physically unable to perform her usual tasks around the house.  When that happens, the husband can step in and show his love for his wife by picking up the slack.  The husband can be in charge of caring for many of the basic needs of the baby, cleaning the home, cooking, and so forth.  When the husband helps his wife in such a way, their reliance on, trust in, and love for one another increases.  If a husband was lazy and chose not to help his wife through the difficult time after childbirth, resentment could set in and a rift could begin to form between the couple.

     The second, and most important, way a family can rely on one another, thus becoming strengthened through the crisis, is by supporting one another emotionally.  Rarely is a crisis a fun experience to pass through.  Much heartache, anger, blame, and so forth can be experienced.  An example could be found in a child that accidentally burns down his home.  The child would probably blame himself for the accident and feel ashamed and guilty.  Parents could be distraught and worry about how to pay for all the damages to the home as well as the costs of living somewhere else for a time.  Blame could be thrown around and resentment could set in as schedules change and family tensions rise as dad has to take extra shifts at work.  However, if that same family came together and counseled with one another, learned to express their emotions openly with one another, and made a conceded effort to strengthen one another and bolster each other up emotionally, new found hope could kindle and love could flourish.  Families that support one another emotionally are the ones that tend to come through crisis successfully.

     Life is full of surprises.  Crisis can occur at any moment and, if people let it, could destroy family ties.  Families that learn to cope with stress by leaning on and supporting one another can get through much of life's difficulties successfully and will become more dependent on one another in the process.  Effective coping is an invaluable tool for families and individuals across the globe.

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