Friday, October 11, 2013

Are all cultures equal in terms of being right and wrong, good and bad? Do we have the right to proclaim one set of values to be better than another?

Every culture brings a new perspective and approach to how to do things.  Different cultures have different strengths and weaknesses.  However, not every culture is valid in its views of right and wrong, and that is definitely the case when it comes to raising families.
Yes, cultures are are valid in the sense that they bring new ideas to the table.  They are valid in that people believe them, thus they exist.  However, to say that everyone is just as correct as everyone else is to embrace the idea of relativity; that it does not matter what we do, there is no absolute truth, and people can do whatever they want and turn out just fine.  That idea is false, for God has given to us, His children, the correct standards and commandments, or culture, to live by.  
For example, for one person a truth might be that a child should not receive any displays of affection and that the child should raise himself.  Others, that affection should be freely given and that the child should have support from the parents.  People can easily see that children that come from homes with affectionate, supportive parents fare better than those who do not.  Thus, the idea of the affectionate parent is correct, while the idea of the non-affectionate parent is wrong.
God teaches the culture that is right and the culture that is wrong.  That does not mean that God doesn't love His children equally, but that He has eternal truths and standards that are better than the standards of the world. The standard of living, or culture, God has given to the world is His gospel, and people fare better when they live by that standard.

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